Esther O Design

Mashed Potatoes with a Flair

Fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, cooked potatoes... It seems as if there are potatoes at every meal over Passover.  Here is a way to add some color to your mashed potatoes, as well as a delicious combination of flavors.  


Mashed Potatoes with a Flair

Dried Fruit Art

As a child, I always looked foward to our family Tu B'shvat party.I loved the tasty and colorful array of the many fruits my mother artfully displayed. Fast forward to today where there is an even more extensive selection of dried and fresh fruit available to choose from. Whatever your Minhag, there are so many  creative and fun things that can be done. Last year, my friend asked me to help her come up with a  Tu B'shvat idea for her Talmud Torah class, using dried fruits. Here's what we came up with. She told me it was a big hit and the children came up with such cute and original ideas.

Dried Fruit Art

Tic-Tac-Toe Salad Plate

Tic-Tac-Toe Salad Plate

Striped Jello Cups


Striped Jello Cups

Wrap It Up

  Photography by Dan Engongora “Check” out this fun way to present wraps for any occasion. Directions:  Assemble deli,tuna grilled veg… wraps acc...

Elegant Chopped Liver and Egg Salad Presentation

Begin your meal with a show-stopping presentation.
Elegant Chopped Liver and Egg Salad Presentation

Watermelon Cake

This fruit “cake,” like the ones my mother always made for special occasions, will allow you to have your cake and eat it too!

Watermelon Cake

Blue Potato Flower

Blue potato flowers look beautiful on cauliflower butternut and yellow splitpea soups-make sure your soup is thick enough so that potatoes dont sink.

Blue Potato Flower

Flower Puff

These elegant puffs look great on butternut and yellow split pea soup. The design is easy but so stunning you’ll have people marveling at your talent!

Flower Puff

Two Tone Bread Skewer

These are great to compliment a hearty vegetable soup. With bread and soup, you have your whole meal in a beautifully arranged presentation!

Two Tone Bread Skewer

Watermelon Vase


Watermelon Vase

Endive Flower with Cucumber Salad

Israeli salad and cucumber salad are classic staples in any home.To create a special look try this simple, easy to create endive flower.
Endive Flower with Cucumber Salad


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