Esther O Design

New Floral Centerpiece Idea

With Shavuos right around the corner, here's a never-before-seen centerpiece concept that is sooo fresh and floral!
New Floral Centerpiece Idea

Birthday Bonanza

Birthday Bonanza

There are some parties that are prepared out of habit, sometimes even out of duty. Jobs are divvied, menus created, the party comes and the party goes. Then there are the simchahs we create to commemorate a milestone, perhaps the birthday of a family matriarch, who has shaped us in so many ways, from how we’ve raised our children to how we stuff our cabbage and host our guests.

This party is about so much more than about grosgrain versus satin, live music versus stereo, or fleishigs versus milchigs. It’s about the celebration of a mother’s full life, and the attention we pay to planning it is just a representation of that appreciation.

Birthday Bonanza

Passover Charcuterie Board

Passover Charcuterie Board
Passover Charcuterie Board

Washi Tape Book Marks

washi tape book mark


Washi Tape Book Marks

Candy Clowns

Purim crafts

It's always an honor creating content for

In honor of Purim, I designed this cute little project that can be used to decorate your Purim table or "just for some clowning around fun"!!

This idea is an adorable activity for children of all ages.

Candy Clowns

Challah Ring Box

ring challah

Many people enjoy giving/ receiving  Challah for Mishloach Manot.

Give your favorite challah in attention-grabbing kick of style, newspaper parchment  paper.

Made of microwavable, grease resistant paper, this deli sandwich wrap paper is perfect for wrapping sandwiches or lining serving baskets as well. 

Challah Ring Box

Chocolate Charcuterie Board

Chocolate Charcuterie Board

Need a Mishloach Manot that’s extraordinary for someone special ?

That's right — chocolatechocolatechocolate

We’ve adapted the trendy charcuterie board, typically used for meats and cheeses for chocolate. Any complaints about a chocolate charcuterie board ?!?!

Chocolate Charcuterie Board

Colorful Tower Gifts

colorful towers

To create these packages, I started with a drink and simply pulled out the colors from the labels, then filled the boxes with coordinating candy and nuts.

Colorful Tower Gifts

Peacock Mishloach Manos

peacock gift tower

Metal cans are inexpensive and with the right graphics/label, they have  the look of  a specialty item. For this package I used a  wide ribbon  to tie the cans together .I enjoyed not having to use cellophane, for a change.The top box is topped off with a peacock feather for a little extra pizzazz. 

Peacock Mishloach Manos

Short on Time Mishloach Manot

short on time mm

My friend Chaya always manages to juggle everything!

With the little time she has to put together her Purim packages, she always manages to pull together something cool and attractive.

Check out this black and white  package with a pop of color she created.

Using her concept I designed 2 other ideas-one classy and one cute.

Search the scrapbooking paper isle in your local craft store and I’m sure you too will be inspired to  design  your own creative packages.

Short on Time Mishloach Manot

Dress Up Box Mishloach Manot

dress up mishloch manot

This Dress up box mishloach manos was inspired by a cute toy my children enjoy playing with where you can mix and match heads, outfits and accessories by sliding the pictures from side to side.

Dress Up Box Mishloach Manot

Citrus Cakes

orange citrus cake

Beautiful to look at and easy to make, celebrate by adding this fruity cake to your usual tu bshvat party.

Delight your family with this dessert that fits right into the theme of the day!

Citrus Cakes


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