Esther O Design

Royal Tradition Pesach Seder

Royal Tradition

The Pesach Seder is a celebration of our cheirus, our freedom, and traditionally we have always set it in royal fashion.

Some years, like this one, circumstances are more challenging than others and we can celebrate the freedom of keeping things beautiful, but simpler.

Here are a few suggestions for those who are able to implement them-striking ways to make your table fit for children of the King.

Royal Tradition Pesach Seder

Rosh Hashana Tablescape

Rosh Hashana Table Setting


A table set for Yom Tov is naturally special.

Adding some small touches that identify the day sets the tone and suggests the spirit.

Incorporating our hope for wonderful new year is one way we convey our warm wishes to our families and guests.

Rosh Hashana Tablescape

Rosh Hashana with a Flair

Rosh Hashana Setup
Rosh Hashana with a Flair

Watermelon Fun

Watermelon Popsicle

Keep your family hydrated and entertained with these adorable, creative, fun and easy to create watermelon ideas.

Watermelon Fun

Three Flower Craft Ideas

Flower Cookie Seating Cards
Three Flower Craft Ideas

Flower Postcard Cookies

Flower Postcard Cookie

These cookies are so much fun to create.

With minimal work and supplies, your children will really enjoy designing their own original flower designs. If you'd prefer not to bake cookies,use graham crackers instead.

Flower Postcard Cookies


Flower Box

“Say it with flowers”! More often than not, less is more when it comes to creating a neat and classy look. So put the “petal” to the medal and create this sleek and elegant package – your recipients will be “fleured” 


How To Keep Your Hydrangeas Happy!

Shvuos Decor

I love flowers so naturally I love Shvuos decor!

It’s one of those special times that we allow ourselves to splurge on extra flowers that we do not usually treat ourselves to. 

How To Keep Your Hydrangeas Happy!

New Floral Centerpiece Idea

With Shavuos right around the corner, here's a never-before-seen centerpiece concept that is sooo fresh and floral!
New Floral Centerpiece Idea

Birthday Bonanza

Birthday Bonanza

There are some parties that are prepared out of habit, sometimes even out of duty. Jobs are divvied, menus created, the party comes and the party goes. Then there are the simchahs we create to commemorate a milestone, perhaps the birthday of a family matriarch, who has shaped us in so many ways, from how we’ve raised our children to how we stuff our cabbage and host our guests.

This party is about so much more than about grosgrain versus satin, live music versus stereo, or fleishigs versus milchigs. It’s about the celebration of a mother’s full life, and the attention we pay to planning it is just a representation of that appreciation.

Birthday Bonanza

My Favorite Amazon Vases

I love flowers so naturally I love Shvuos decor!

It’s one of those special times that we allow ourselves to splurge on extra flowers that we do not usually treat ourselves to. Adding extra touches on top of that, like a pretty and interesting vases gives the Yom Tov table a unique touch.

I have combed through lots of vases available on Amazon. Here are some of my favorites.

rectangle glass vase 3 crystal glass test tube vase 8 crystal glass test tube vase Clear Glass Planter Bulb Vases
Desktop Glass Planter Bulb Vase Acrylic Flower Box Fine Ceramic Vase 3 Silver Color Metal Bud Floral Vases
magnetic flower vase magnetic aluminum vase dot cylinder bud vase geometric table vase
terrarium/vase on wooden stand Velener Mini Plastic Fake Green Grass of Plants hinged bud vase

hinged flower vases with antiqued rusted finish

My Favorite Amazon Vases

Flower Fruit Arrangements

Flower Fruit Arrangements


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